Happy Birthday Mike!

April 11 is Mike's Birthday. Danny thought it would be nice to have a surprise birthday party for him. All the brothers, DJ, Nolan, and I drove to Greenville. We surprised Mike!! I can't believe we pulled it off! Mike really appreciated us doing this for him. Poor Mike, he thought some of the brothers forgot his birthday because they didn't call. Little did he know... We all had a good time and it was great to be together and see Mike and Debra and Debra's mom!Add Image
Happy Birthday Mike!!! We love you!

Easter Egg Hunt 2009

Our church had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. Anna was able to come with us. On the way there DJ decided that he did not want to hunt eggs. I guess the Easter Bunny is over for him. Nolan and Anna had a fun time hunting for eggs and found a lot of them.

5 Things I love about Nolan

1. His red hair!
2. His love for me! He will be the one to take care of me when I am old!
3. His is such a leader at school, but at home is the baby that needs to be taken care of.
4. He loves his big brother and would do anything for him.
5. He is shy, but too cute.

Five Things I Love About DJ

1. He loves to tickle and be tickled.
2. He has the biggest and prettiest eyes.
3. He is too smart for his own good. He is a deep thinker.
4. He acts like daddy is his favorite, but I am the one he wants when he is sad or hurt.
5. He is very giving and helpful with smaller children or anyone that is hurt.

Nolan and Lanark Nature Center, April 3, 2009

Nolan and I went to the Lanark Nature Center for a field trip. It was a neat place. It is owned by the Alabama Wildlife Federation. We hiked and hiked. We had a nature scavenger hunt which was a ton of fun! The last picture is Nolan and his best friend, which is also his cousin, Tyler. They are 2 peas in a pod!! They are both so sweet!