Monster Trucks!

The boys love going to the Monster Trucks! It is one of the major highlights of their year! Poor mamma did not get to go this year! We went with Tracey, Anna, and Morgan. Tracey was able to get pit passes this year. We went early and were able to meet all the drivers and see the cars up close. The kids had a great time! Tracey and I were hated it! We had 2 drunk women behind us that had spilled beer which we had our feet in the whole time! You would think at 2 pm you would not have many drunks, especially when they had their kids! Also, one of their kids cried the whole time!! The momma said she doesn't understand why he cries every year! Stop bringing him back!! The kids had fun and that is all that matters!!


I love Upwards Basketball! I just hate getting up early on Sat morning! We are halfway through the season. DJ and Nolan have been blessed with great Christian coaches.

DJ is really good at shooting hoops! I am impressed with him!

Nolan is learning a lot more this year. Last year he would get bored and start twirling on the floor, lost in his own world! This year is much better. He still gets tired and bored, but is paying better attention out there longer. He thinks he should be great no matter what! I keep telling him to practice, practice, practice!! He will get it! Next year he should be good! That is if he quits hiding behind chairs! Last week he kept telling me that he didn't want to play. So he and his friend Morgan decided to hide behind chairs!! They thought no one saw them! They have been warned that they have to run laps Thursday at practice! They were upset! That will teach them to hide!